Sunday, October 9, 2011

Project 365

As you can see I have dropped the ball on my Project 365 picture a day, sorry followers but I just totally lost inspiration. So many forced to take pics just for a daily pic where as it may have been more of an interesting subject. I have also noticed this with many other 365 blogs I follow.

So this is what I have decided, if and when I feel a shot is good enough and I can get slowed down while I'm out and about (thats pronounced with Canadian accent btw "oot & aboot) on the road and I can get stopped or slowed down to get a nice shot I will post. Fair enough.

Alas, I have some new pics which I will post separately as they were taken this past week.

This will now be known as 'Project Unknown Day Whenever', if you have a better title for it please feel free to shoot me a message.

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